MasterCard hosts African youth summit to promote green revolution
MasterCard said young people are driving modernization of agriculture using innovative technologies and production systems.
The MasterCard Foundation has announced the second Young Africa Works Summit designed to spark new thinking on how Africa's growing youth population can transform the agricultural sector on the continent. The invite-only event – scheduled to take place on February 16-17 in Kigali, Rwanda – will bring together 300 thought leaders from NGOs, government, funders and the private sector who are committed to developing sustainable youth employment strategies in Africa.
According to a statement released on Monday, despite rapid economic growth over the last 10 years, the continent has yet to experience the levels of agricultural productivity that historically paved the way to modernization and industrialization of middle and high-income countries. A growing youth population means this demographic will be particularly vulnerable. The agricultural sector is expected to create eight million stable jobs by 2020 and it offers tremendous promise for catalyzing prosperity and creating sustainable livelihoods for young people.
"Africa is home to the world's youngest population with enormous potential to improve agricultural productivity and make the sector a viable source of employment for youth across the continent," said Ann Miles, Director of Financial Inclusion and Youth Livelihoods, MasterCard Foundation. "The 2017 Summit will highlight the contributions being made by young people to transform the agricultural sector from subsistence farming to a modern, competitive, sustainable, and equitable business."
The summit is organised under the auspices of MasterCard Foundation's Youth Livelihoods Programme, which seeks to improve the capacity of young men and women to transition to jobs or create businesses. The programme combines market-relevant skills training, mentorship, and appropriate financial services. More than 1.8 million young people have been reached through the Youth Livelihoods programme since 2010, with $402 million committed to 37 multi-year projects across 19 African countries. The inaugural summit held in October 2015.
Keynote address for the 2017 summit will be presented by Her Excellency, Rhoda Peace Tumisiime, Commissioner of Rural Economy and Agriculture, African Union. Youth keynote addresses will be presented by Brian Bosire, founder of Ujuzikilimo; Pilirani Khosa, founder of Bunda Female Students Organisation; Laetitia Mukungu, founder of the Africa Rabbit Centre; Rita Kimani, Co-founder and CEO, FarmDrive; and Jean Bosco Nzeyimana, founder of Habona Ltd. A total of 50 young people will also attend to share their perspectives on employment and self-employment in this sector.
MasterCard said with 11 million young Africans entering the job market annually and the rapid expansion of the continent's agricultural sector, young people are driving the modernization of agriculture through the use of innovative technologies and production systems. The need for agricultural transformation on the continent, however, has never been more pressing. The increasing severity of climate change is already amplifying existing stress on water availability and food security in many African countries.
Pilirani Khoza, Founder of Bunda Female Students Organisation at Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources said, "For decades, agriculture has continued to operate using the same static methods and technologies adopted by our forefathers. We must adopt the new technologies that are available to us. Youth are technological doers and thinkers, they are energetic and hungry for knowledge and they should be actively involved in transforming Africa."
Other participants will include Agnes Kalibata, President of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA); Lindiwe Majele Sibanda, CEO and Head of Mission at the Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN); Eric Kaduru, Founder an CEO of KadAfrica; Frank Altman, President and CEO of the Community Reinvestment Fund; and Dr. Simon Winter, Senior Vice President of Development at TechnoServe and Senior Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School of Government.
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