Event Details

Power Purchase Agreement

Category : Power
Place : Singapore, Singapore
Date : 30 August - 30 August, 2022
Event URL : https://www.infocusinternational.com/ppa-online

Status : Registration in progress
Infocus International

Power purchase agreement

Valuable lessons to be learned from the European experience

There are many moving pieces affecting the future of electric power development in emerging market. Unlike the past Independent Power Project models, which featured standardised take-or-pay contracts – today’s market demands more innovative incentives to ensure better availability, better performance, as well as more attractive and sustainable mixtures of fuel sources. Economies throughout developing countries urgently need to master the key tools, models, and lessons learned for transforming and strengthening today’s electricity sector. These include the latest models in negotiating Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), in designing and managing new competitive power markets, as well as attracting the right mix of renewable energy sources.

This live online training course gives you clear explanations of the new models of PPA risk allocation, of designing and managing competitive power markets, attracting private investments in renewable energy, through a series of real case examples of contracts and markets. Case Studies will include real examples from Africa, Middle East, Asia, Europe and North America. Furthermore, cases stimulate independent thinking and discussion among participants.


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