World Bank launches Sovereign ESG Data Portal
The portal aims to increase data transparency and support private sector investments in emerging markets and developing countries.
The World Bank has launched the Sovereign ESG Data Portal. The portal is a free, open and easy-to-use online platform that provides users with sovereign-level environmental, social and governance (ESG) data.
The portal is designed to help investors better align ESG analysis with key sustainable development policy indicators and analysis, as well as to increase data transparency and support private sector investments in emerging markets and developing countries.
The portal is comprised of 17 themes which were selected to provide a balanced picture of policy performance and country conditions, given data availability. The initial set of indicators is based on both current market and World Bank usage of these criteria. The framework incorporates 67 indicators in total, covering all the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The data is available for download for all World Bank member countries.
A growing body of research demonstrating the importance of ESG criteria indicates the need for investors to manage and assess ESG risks and opportunities associated with their investments – for all asset classes, including bonds. As part of a research program with Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF), Japan, the World Bank conducted research and hosted consultations with investors and ESG research firms to identify gaps in data availability and access.
New indicators – including from geo-spatial and big data sources – on natural capital, human capital, poverty measures, stranded assets and other areas, are set to be developed and added to the portal in the future.
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